I’ve known Vicki for years!

She is a fierce opponent of the corruption that takes place every day in every state in the nation.

Vicki asks: How many more children must die at the hands of the so called “protectors”. Wake up America! Your children are being sold into slavery and abused and murdered!

Here’s two articles that Vicki posted, so you know that you are not crazy and that you are not alone!

The good fight continues to STOP THE PRACTICE of stealing our children and then using them for ILLICIT PURPOSES on top of it.

People like judge billy jackson at the florence alabama family court, attorney ad litem denise burch of the burch law group in florence alabama, and lauderdale county dhr workers sarah hendershot, nancy buckner, labrisco cook, and patricia miller, and district attorney chris connelly, are just examples of everything that is wrong with our “protective services” throughout the country.

The fact is that they steal our children often for no good reason, telling us that it’s for the child’s own good, and then we never see the child again in many cases. It’s nothing more than kidnapping, it’s totally illegal, and yet it happens every day.

The late Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer spoke out about this for several years before she and her husband were viciously murdered to shut her up, no matter what the media tells you.

On March 5th and 6th 2013, Lawless America bravely and boldly went to Capitol Hill with 750 distressed parents who had lost their children illegally. They hand delivered a CD with over 100 hours of testimony along with a printed package explaining the problems that families today face with regards to “protective services” throughout the country continuing to steal and to sell, rape, murder or commit to a life of porn or prostitution, OUR INNOCENT CHILDREN, all for the almighty dollar.

Out of all of the Congressmen and Senators, NOT ONE OF THEM either showed up for the numerous presentations that Lawless America made, nor did they send even a secretary to give the topic any attention at all.

It is CLEAR that they have NO INTENTION of helping us. So every day, they continue to do whatever they want to do to destroy the lives of our children. And when a parent occasionally snaps and either attacks a cps agent or takes their own life, the media, IF they even cover it, just makes the person sound like a nut and points to the “protective services worker” as obviously making the right choice to remove the child since the parent is “obviously unstable.”

Well, WE ARE NOT UNSTABLE! They are STEALING OUR CHILDREN, they never give them back, and they often use them for TOTALLY ILLICIT PURPOSES!

My wife, Kathleen Raskin, (Some of you know her as Kathey) and I have worked behind the scenes to contact lawyers, judges, aclu, law firms, the FBI, the attorney general, and the governor of Alabama. We’ve sent packages of information to over 40 different people or organizations that we thought would be able to help.

Yet to this day, every day, children in Alabama, throughout the country and throughout the world, continue to be stolen to be used and abused as sick people see fit.

The late Nancy Schaefer summed it up perfectly in one 4 word sentence. She said:

“They need the inventory.”

That’s all our children are to these sick, twisted people. There’s a saying that goes:

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely” and that’s exactly what has happened here.

Kathey and I wish we had better answers for you. We are sick when we hear your stories. We’d love to reach through the phone and make each situation better.

We do know that Shawn McMillan is an attorney in California who is doing some great things there in terms of successfully suing DHR workers directly and winning, but the laws are different there than they are in Alabama.

And we know that there are organizations such as which is run by a former Family Court Judge who resigned from the bench to help us to achieve justice.

But for the most part, world wide, there is much to do, and no help from any source that has the power to help.

We hope that by continuing to raise our voices, perhaps one day the practice of stealing children, destroying families, and then destroying the children, will stop.

For now, we can only wish that everyone that has been consumed by the evil that allows them to act so heinously will have an attack of conscience, realize how much damage they’ve done to so many families, and start making amends.

Though clearly, all amends come way too late for all of the families and children that they’ve already destroyed, all in the name of the almighty dollar and of satisfying totally perverse needs.

Feel free to contact Vicki. I am sure she would love to hear from you.

Vicki Lambou


  1. Hi Sis,
    I had no idea the fight you are carrying on. I saw the picture of your kids. You all look so happy and beautiful. Denita and I will support you in this fight in any way we can. Thank you for all your help. Will be in touch.
    Your ol bro,

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